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What is written?

Twen­ty Fifth Sun­day Af­ter Pen­te­cost. [Eph. 4:1-6; Luke 10:25-37] To the man who ask­ed how to be saved, the Lord on his part of­fer­ed a ques­tion: emWhat is writ­ten in the law? how read­est thou/em? By this He show­ed that to re­solve all per­plex­i­ty one must turn to the word of God. And so that there will not be such per­plex­i­ty at all it is best to al­ways read Di­vine Scrip­ture at­ten­tive­ly, with dis­cern­ment and sym­pa­thy, ap­ply­ing it to your own life, and ful­fill­ing in your own thoughts what re­lates to thoughts, in your own feel­ings and dis­po­si­tions what re­lates to the sens­es, and in your deeds what re­lates to deeds. One who heark­ens to the word of God gath­ers bright un­der­stand­ing of all that is in him, what is near to him, and what is a­bove him; he clar­i­fies his ob­li­ga­tions in all as­pects of life, and ho­ly rules, like valu­able pearls, are strung on­to the thread of his con­science, which then pre­cise­ly and def­i­nite­ly in­di­cate how and when to act so that he please the Lord. He tames the pas­sions — some­thing read­ing the word of God al­ways acts to as­suage. No mat­ter what pas­sion trou­bles you, be­gin to read the word of God and the pas­sion will be­come quiet­er and quiet­er, and at last it will be en­tire­ly calmed. He who en­rich­es him­self through knowl­edge of the word of God is over­shad­ow­ed by the pil­lar of cloud which guided the Is­ra­el­ites in the des­ert.

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