Mailing: 24236 Olivera Dr, Mission Viejo, CA 92691 | Services: Courtyard by Marriott, 8 MacArthur Pl, Santa Ana, CA 92707


Thank you for prayerfully considering your contribution to the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos Serbian Orthodox Church. As a new growing parish with a significant number of newer immigrants and younger families, it can be challenging to meet our daily needs while also budgeting for future growth. We have provided this online giving feature as a convenient way to allow you to support this ministry with your offerings.

After carefully deciding how much you are willing to donate and what time increments are best for you, please complete the Stewardship Pledge Form.

After you submit your Stewardship Pledge form, donations may be made in a variety of ways:

  1. Place your check in the donation basket during Liturgy. Be sure to indicate on the check that it is your stewardship contribution.
  2. Mail a check on a regular basis to the church (mailing address is below). If needed, we can supply mailing labels for you.
  3. Make your donation online via PayPal.

We greatly appreciate your financial gifts to the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos Serbian Orthodox Church. Tax receipts will be issued for all eligible donations.

Donations may also be sent directly to our mailing address:
24236 Oliveira Dr
Mission Viejo, CA 92691

As a Missionary Parish with God's and your help, we are planning to build a church building and other needed facilities. Here is a list of Commemorative Opportunities for the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos Serbian Orthodox Church.

  • Land
  • Church Building
  • Fellowship Hall
  • School Building
  • Administrative Building

All donations are tax-deductible and will be in a restricted account until the project is paid for and completed. Please contact Fr. Blasko if you are interested in donating towards one of these projects.

"At each Liturgy, stewards, donors, and those who contributed to the building of the Church are commemorated. In building churches here on earth, we create for ourselves eternal habitations in heaven. Decades will pass. Our bodies will decay. Perhaps our very bones will turn to dust, but our souls will live eternally. Happy will he be, who prepared for his soul a dwelling in the heavenly mansions. Even if the churches which were built should fall to ruin, the names of those who contributed to their construction will be written God's eternal books, and the prayers which arose from within those churches will be heard." -- St John Maximovitch, Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco.


Stewardship is managing and caring for the property and affairs of another. Since everything we have is on loan to us from God, we are called upon, as servants of God, to be wise and faithful stewards of all that we have. Our entire life is a gift from God! He asks that we offer back to Him in grateful appreciation the first portion of that with which we have been gifted, in the form of time, talent, and money.


Financial Commitment Campaign

Each year the Stewardship Ministry of our parish requests parishioners to make a financial pledge to the parish by completing a commitment card. Your financial commitment enables the parish council to plan and budget for the parish's expenses and programs for the upcoming year. The amount you give back to God is entirely your choice. As a parish community, we recommend and encourage a personal commitment of some percent of your monetary net income. However, whatever you decide to give, let it be a first portion percentage gift that is your expression of thanksgiving to Him Who has created us, blesses us with the material needs required for our sustenance, and continues to love us beyond measure. Please see Father Blasko or any Board member for further information.

The amount you offer is never published through a personal report of your offerings for tax purposes and is sent to you annually at the end of each calendar year.

Endowment Fund

Our parish would like to establish an Endowment Fund. The Endowment Fund functions as an expansion fund for the parish. With the principle in the fund always remaining untouched, as the fund grows it is anticipated that part of the annual interest will eventually be added to our operating budget. For more information or to make a gift or bequest for the Endowment Fund, please see Father Blasko.

Wills and Bequests

Please consider leaving a gift to the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos Serbian Orthodox Church when you make your estate plan. A planned gift is a wonderful way to leave a legacy and often offers great tax benefits. Through this service, you can remember the church in your will giving back to God some of what He has blessed you with during your lifetime. Please see Fr. Blasko for more specific information.

Time and Talent

At the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos Serbian Orthodox Church, we strive not only to support our parish financially but to support it with our time and talent as well. It is our wish and goal to have each parishioner pledge three percent of our time per week (2 hours) in support of our church programs and activities. Only through actual involvement can we bear witness to our commitment to serve God and to serve our neighbor as Christ loves and serves us. We ask each parishioner to accept this challenge and offer their God-given gifts of time and talent back to God in order that we as a parish may fulfill our mission of spreading His Word.

The Stewardship Ministry of our parish will conduct and maintain the records of the Time and Talent Survey of all parishioners. The purpose of the survey is to seek the involvement of each parishioner as a partner in ministry in at least one of our several parish ministries, as identified in the Parish Handbook. Each ministry has certain areas of responsibility that, together with all other ministries, make up our entire parish life. By completing the survey, you will enable us to match your talents to a need within our parish. Ultimately, your involvement will add value to your life, as well as strengthen the life of our parish community.


Thank you for prayerfully considering your contribution to the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos Serbian Orthodox Church. As a new growing parish with a significant number of newer immigrants and younger families, it can be challenging to meet our daily needs while also budgeting for future growth. We have provided this online giving feature as a convenient way to allow you to support this ministry with your offerings.

After carefully deciding how much you are willing to donate and what time increments are best for you, please complete the Stewardship Pledge Form.

After you submit your Stewardship Pledge form, donations may be made in a variety of ways:

  1. Place your check in the donation basket during Liturgy. Be sure to indicate on the check that it is your stewardship contribution.
  2. Mail a check on a regular basis to the church (mailing address is below). If needed, we can supply mailing labels for you.
  3. Make your donation online via PayPal.

We greatly appreciate your financial gifts to the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos Serbian Orthodox Church. Tax receipts will be issued for all eligible donations.

Donations may also be sent directly to our mailing address:
24236 Oliveira Dr
Mission Viejo, CA 92691

As a Missionary Parish with God’s and your help, we are planning to build a church building and other needed facilities. Here is a list of Commemorative Opportunities for the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos Serbian Orthodox Church.

  • Land
  • Church Building
  • Fellowship Hall
  • School Building
  • Administrative Building

All donations are tax-deductible and will be in a restricted account until the project is paid for and completed. Please contact Fr. Blasko if you are interested in donating towards one of these projects.

“At each Liturgy, stewards, donors, and those who contributed to the building of the Church are commemorated. In building churches here on earth, we create for ourselves eternal habitations in heaven. Decades will pass. Our bodies will decay. Perhaps our very bones will turn to dust, but our souls will live eternally. Happy will he be, who prepared for his soul a dwelling in the heavenly mansions. Even if the churches which were built should fall to ruin, the names of those who contributed to their construction will be written God’s eternal books, and the prayers which arose from within those churches will be heard.” — St John Maximovitch, Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco.


Stewardship is managing and caring for the property and affairs of another. Since everything we have is on loan to us from God, we are called upon, as servants of God, to be wise and faithful stewards of all that we have. Our entire life is a gift from God! He asks that we offer back to Him in grateful appreciation the first portion of that with which we have been gifted, in the form of time, talent, and money.


Financial Commitment Campaign

Each year the Stewardship Ministry of our parish requests parishioners to make a financial pledge to the parish by completing a commitment card. Your financial commitment enables the parish council to plan and budget for the parish’s expenses and programs for the upcoming year. The amount you give back to God is entirely your choice. As a parish community, we recommend and encourage a personal commitment of some percent of your monetary net income. However, whatever you decide to give, let it be a first portion percentage gift that is your expression of thanksgiving to Him Who has created us, blesses us with the material needs required for our sustenance, and continues to love us beyond measure. Please see Father Blasko or any Board member for further information.

The amount you offer is never published through a personal report of your offerings for tax purposes and is sent to you annually at the end of each calendar year.

Endowment Fund

Our parish would like to establish an Endowment Fund. The Endowment Fund functions as an expansion fund for the parish. With the principle in the fund always remaining untouched, as the fund grows it is anticipated that part of the annual interest will eventually be added to our operating budget. For more information or to make a gift or bequest for the Endowment Fund, please see Father Blasko.

Wills and Bequests

Please consider leaving a gift to the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos Serbian Orthodox Church when you make your estate plan. A planned gift is a wonderful way to leave a legacy and often offers great tax benefits. Through this service, you can remember the church in your will giving back to God some of what He has blessed you with during your lifetime. Please see Fr. Blasko for more specific information.

Time and Talent

At the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos Serbian Orthodox Church, we strive not only to support our parish financially but to support it with our time and talent as well. It is our wish and goal to have each parishioner pledge three percent of our time per week (2 hours) in support of our church programs and activities. Only through actual involvement can we bear witness to our commitment to serve God and to serve our neighbor as Christ loves and serves us. We ask each parishioner to accept this challenge and offer their God-given gifts of time and talent back to God in order that we as a parish may fulfill our mission of spreading His Word.

The Stewardship Ministry of our parish will conduct and maintain the records of the Time and Talent Survey of all parishioners. The purpose of the survey is to seek the involvement of each parishioner as a partner in ministry in at least one of our several parish ministries, as identified in the Parish Handbook. Each ministry has certain areas of responsibility that, together with all other ministries, make up our entire parish life. By completing the survey, you will enable us to match your talents to a need within our parish. Ultimately, your involvement will add value to your life, as well as strengthen the life of our parish community.

Make A Monthly Donation

Select the amount you would like to donate on a monthly basis and click the Donate button. You will then be taken to the Paypal website.

Make A One Time Donation

After you click Donate button, you will be taken to the PayPal website where you will enter your desired amount.