Mailing: 24236 Olivera Dr, Mission Viejo, CA 92691 | Services: Courtyard by Marriott, 8 MacArthur Pl, Santa Ana, CA 92707

Children and Youth

Our parish offers monthly lectures on various topics given by experts in various fields for all ages. For further information about each of our educational programs, please contact Fr. Blasko.

Church School

The spiritual formation of our next generation of church members is very important and should be a priority at home and in the church. The Children’s Educational Program places emphasis on learning and experiencing the Orthodox Christian life by becoming familiar with the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, by appreciating and celebrating the Major Feast Days, and by learning and living the history, doctrine and dynamic spiritual tradition that prepares them to become mature and responsible teens and adults. The Children’s Educational Program is open to all preschool through college and young adult aged and is held weekly on Sunday mornings after the Divine Liturgy. Last Sunday of each month Arts and Crafts session is taught by Tatiana Babaeva and Ivana Holisastos. Music class is taught by Gorjana Zekich usually send Sunday of each month. The youth in the program also participate in other events such as the annual Christmas program St. Sava program and other seasonal activities. If you would like to enroll your child in the program, please contact Fr. Blasko or Sanja Rakonjac.

School Enrollment

You can enroll your children in various classes here.


In addition to the weekly Educational Programs our Church is in a stage of making a catalog of all the books in our Library. All parishioners are welcome to borrow any of the materials found in the library.

Lectures and Other Educational Programs

Throughout the year there are seminars, retreats and a variety of lecture programs offered within our diocese that provide educational opportunities for learning, growth and fellowship. These offerings will be announced in the Newsletter and monthly Calendar. Some information is posted on the parish bulletin board (located in the parish corridor), and/or announced by Fr. Blasko at the Sunday Divine Liturgy.

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