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Crucify Him

Palm Sunday. [Phil. 4:4–9; John 12:1–18] Who did not meet the Lord when He, as a king, triumphantly entered into Jerusalem; and who did not cry out then, Hosanna to the Son of David! (Matt. 21:15)? But only four days passed, and the same crowd with the same tongues cried, Crucify Him, crucify Him! (John 19:6). An amazing change! But why should we be surprised? Do we not do the very same thing, when upon receiving the holy Mysteries of the Body and Blood of the Lord, we barely leave the church before for?getting everything — both our rev?erence and God’s mercy toward us. We give ourselves over as before to self-pleasing deeds — at first small and then also large. Perhaps even before four days have passed, al?though we do not cry, “Crucify Him!” we will crucify the Lord with?in ourselves. The Lord sees all of this, and suffers. Glory to Thy long?suffering, O Lord!

Saint Theophan the Recluse

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