Mailing: 24236 Olivera Dr, Mission Viejo, CA 92691 | Services: Courtyard by Marriott, 8 MacArthur Pl, Santa Ana, CA 92707

Special content intended for the homepage of the Most Holy Theotokos Serbian Orthodox Church

Pascha 2024

May 4, 2024 | Father Blasko, Highlight

Here, in these four words, the entire fate of all people and of all times is contained, dear brothers and sisters! In four words, the whole history of all mankind is determined! How can this be so?

Through His Resurrection, our Lord delivered mankind from hell into Paradise. Our Lord delivered mankind from death into Immortality. The Lord resurrected human beings from nothingness into Eternal Life. The Lord took man from the devil and placed him into the embrace of God. That is Pascha! That is Resurrection, truly the greatest revolution of all times and of all worlds. This is the only perfect and complete revolution, for through it, Eternal Life was granted to mankind! Eternal Life, which we enter through Eternal Truth, Eternal Justice, Eternal Love, and Eternal Joy, comes to us through the Resurrected Godman Christ, as our holy Father Justin Popovich used to say.

Therefore, Easter is not simply the remembrance of a past event. It looms far, far greater than that. It is the real encounter in happiness and joy with Him whom our hearts long ago knew and encountered as the life and light of all light from the very beginning. Easter testifies that Christ is alive and with us and that we are alive with him. The entire celebration is an invitation to look at the world and life and to behold the dawning of the new day in the Light of Christ’s Resurrection, in the Light of His Eternal Truth, Eternal Justice, Eternal Love, in the Light of His Eternal Life. The whole creation exults in faith, in love, and in hope and sings:

“This is the day of Resurrection,
Let us be illumined by the feast,
Let us embrace each other,
Let us call brothers, even those that hate us,
And forgive all by the Resurrection,
And so let us cry:
Christ is risen from the dead,
Trampling down death by death,
And upon those in the tombs bestowing life.”

May the light and joy of Christ’s Resurrection destroy the torments and anxieties of our times and fill our hearts with hope in Eternal Life!

With these thoughts, emotions, and prayerful wishes, once more, I greet you with the most joyous of all greetings:

Christ Is Risen!

With love in the Resurrected Lord,
Fr. Blasko Paraklis

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Building Fund Appeal

March 10, 2023 | Father Blasko, Highlight

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Through your love and generosity, we have been able to sustain the life and ministries of our church here in Orange County. The last two years have been incredibly challenging, yet our church continued to affirm the truth of Orthodoxy and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God has truly blessed us in many ways!

The greatest blessing came from Father Steven Tsichlis and the congregation of St. Paul’s Greek Orthodox Church, who opened their hearts and the doors of their church to us so we can continue serving regular Divine Liturgies and other services.

Now, we must strive forward and establish a permanent home for our congregation. In spite of all the challenges, we have been growing, and in order to continue to grow and do all the ministries and programs for our community and community in general, we must have our own facility. This year, the Parish Council is determined to purchase a commercial or an office building and remodel it to meet our needs. Providing a permanent place for our church is not just about getting bigger and better; it is about establishing a spiritual home for future generations of believers. Our Church welcomes all who are seeking salvation and who have a sincere desire to follow the founder and head of our ancient Faith, our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ. To accomplish this, we need to raise a minimum of 50% of the purchase price and have a steady stewardship fund that will make it possible to qualify for a loan.

I can truly say that the members of the board and I have considered several different options, and we strongly feel that purchasing an existing facility rather than renting one is the best option. Interest rates are increasing, and there is a growing number of buildings available, yet the prices in Orange County remain high – no doubt this is a multi-million-dollar project. We are counting on you and all the people of goodwill to demonstrate the love of Christ’s church by renewing your stewardship or becoming a new steward and donating the building fund to your greatest ability.

Your tax-deductible donations can be given immediately, pledged, and given over a period of time, or pledged to be given at the time of purchase. Last year, we raised about $120,000.00 for the building fund, but this is far away from what we need. Please be assured we are asking only for what you are able to give. You can be assured that your money will be accepted with sincere gratitude and used with care.

We humbly rely on your prayerful and financial support to establish a permanent home for Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos Church in Orange County. Please complete the form below and send the amount either via the link provided or by mail:

24236 Olivera Dr
Mission Viejo, CA 92691

May the blessings of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, be with you all.
With gratitude, Fr. Blasko Paraklis

For more information, please visit our campaign’s page:

Bishop Maxim’s Nativity Greeting 2023

January 8, 2023 | Bishop Maxim, Highlight

By the Grace of God

Orthodox Bishop of Western America

Grace, Peace and Mercy

from the God-Child Christ

Today Bethlehem receives Him

Who is co-enthroned with the Father,

Today angels marvelously praise

the Newborn Child exclaiming:

Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth;

good will among men.

(Hymn from Nativity of our Lord’s service)

Greeting you all, dear spiritual children, I call upon you all and all people of good will to celebrate the Feast Day of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ in peace, joy, and a spiritual disposition.

Let us give thanks to God for His grace, which has sustained us in this past year, and with joy let us raise a song of praise to Him.

Even though some of you, under historical circumstances and misfortunate, have been forced to live in the Diaspora worldwide, know that in celebrating Christmas, you will find your homeland, your childhood joy, and mother’s freshly baked bread.


May the New Year of our Lord

2023 be blessed!

In the New Born Christ-Child, our Savior,

Bishop of Los Angeles and Western America


Милошћу Божјом

Православни Епископ Западноамерички

Благодат, мир и милост

Богомладенца Христа

Данас Витлејем прима сапрестолног Оцу,

данас анђели богољепно славе Младенца,

кличући: Слава Богу на висинама,

на земљи мир, а међу људима добра воља.

(Стихира на празник Божића)

Поздрављајући вас, драга децо духовна, позивамо вaс и све људе добре воље да празник Рођења Господа нашег Исуса Христа прославимо у миру, радости и духовном расположењу.

Заблагодаримо Богу за благодат Његову која нас је сачувала у протеклој години и са радошћу узнесимо Му песме благодарне.

Иако су многи од вас силом историјских прилика и неприлика приморани да живе расејани по целом свету, знајте да ћете у слављењу Божића наћи свој завичај, своје дечије радости и топли мајчин хлеб.


Благословена Нова, Господња

2023. година!

У Богомладенцу Христу, Спаситељу,

Епископ Лосанђелески и Западноамерички


P.S. Our online Stewardship and Donations Form for 2023 is here.

Printable Greeting

Patriarchal Nativity Encyclical 2022

January 8, 2023 | Highlight

The Serbian Orthodox Church

to her spiritual children at Christmas, 2022


By the Grace of God

Orthodox Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade Karlovci and Serbian Patriarch, with all the Hierarchs of the Serbian Orthodox Church to all the clergy, monastics, and all the sons and daughters of our Holy Church: grace, mercy and peace from God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, with the most joyous Christmas greeting:

Peace from God! Christ is Born!

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given:

and the government shall be upon his shoulder:

and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor,

The mighty God, the everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”

Isaiah 9:6

Our dear spiritual children,

On this great and most wonderful feast day of the Nativity of our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ, let us rejoice, for by it the salvation of the world has been accomplished! Let us join the angels in singing: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” (Isaiah 2:14). The rays of the Lord’s glory have revealed to us the cave which to the world has become the source of the Way, the Truth, and the Life! Let us rejoice with the entire creation, singing a new song for the Great and most Praised One, the Lord above all, has become a Child! Let us sing and like shepherds in that irradiated night, brighter than day, embrace Him Who has brought heaven down to the manger! Let us celebrate, and like the wise men from the East, fearlessly preach the brilliant Star which has banished the darkness of death and brought us to eternal Light and eternal Meaning!

The mystery of Christmas is contained in the infinite humility of the Most Eternal One, Who was born as a Child and allowed us to touch him, and almost, according to Herod’s naïve idea, hurt Him. But, not caring about human weaknesses, the Son of God expects our love and enables us to embrace Him. So, at Christmas we are called to be partakers of His growth in this world and to grow unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. (Ephesians 4:13) In this divine-human relationship, we adopt the Gospel virtues, the eternal values that the Son of God brings to earth.

Living according to the Lord’s commandments in the Church, we begin to see with His eyes, breathe with His lungs, and think with His mind. In this way we adopt the mind of Christ, the ethos of the Gospel and its eternal values, becoming reborn people, citizens of the Heavenly Kingdom and members of God’s Household.

Brothers and sisters, if we choose to be shaped by the Mystery of love and humility, proclaimed in the Event of the Birth of Christ, everything around us will be transformed. If the measure of all values becomes the Divine Child Who is lying in the manger wrapped in swaddling clothes, we will hear the same invigorating voice of the angels which on that first Christmas night comforted shepherds: “Fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord!” (Saint Luke 2:10-11) This eternal and perpetual encouragement of angels, with its grace filled message and power, changes suffering and this world fragmented by unrest into a place of Christmas peace and joy. In order for that gifted peace to become active in our time and in our life, we must make every effort; we must not only accept it, but also make it the essential substance of our life.

The fratricidal and destructive wars, which still spread death throughout planet Earth, show that true peace is not simply the absence of armed conflict, but the fruit of self-sacrifice that was sown among people and sealed by the Lord Himself with His Incarnation. The peace of God is revealed to us in the divine-human Person of Christ, knocks on the door of our freedom and invites us to bring it into our homes and schools, our workplaces, hiding places, trenches and lives. It invites us to join with all who share with us the same, eternal, sacred and unchanging ethos, or value system, what we love and what we are, what we believe and what we know. Then we will recognize the God-Child in our neighbors and be able to give them the gold of life’s joy, the frankincense of truthful love and the incense of true humility.

Dear spiritual children, the Birth of Christ has always and by everyone been respected as a family holy day, the feast day of the family homestead and its warmth. That is why it is wrong if on Christmas Eve, the eve of the joyous Feast Day, we do not receive the God-Child, Who is the pre-eternal God and the Child born for us in a domestic atmosphere which through a Yule log, scattered straw and everything else, reminds us of the modest cave in which He, the Most Calm among the humble, was born, swaddled and laid in the most ordinary manger, but instead celebrate in the streets and squares in a half-pagan way in a half-drunk atmosphere.

Just as the powerful ones of that time persecuted and wanted to destroy the God-Child, so their heirs of today raise their voices against the family, founded on Christian values. The Church’s response to this public and permanent aggression cannot be other than evangelical, apostolic and Christmas like. This means that the Church steadily stands on her eternal and unchanging convictions, safeguarding the boundaries of the Law as approved by God, not imposing its values on anyone, but at the same time, not deviating from them even one iota. We do not bring any person under the sun to our own human judgment, neither do we throw spiritual stones at those who do not share our faith, but we resolutely refuse to equate anyone’s free but wrong choice with our freedom and the responsibility that goes with it.

For children in a deeply wounded society to resist the flood of calls for violence in schools, on social networks, in stadiums and in sports halls, they should be raised in a healthy family environment, shaped by love, not hatred and aggression. The appearance of violent and destructive behavior in our schools is accompanied by the already mentioned inadmissible efforts to impose teachings, ideologies, practices, and customs on the entire instructional and educational system, from kindergartens to universities, which are completely contrary to the Christian code of ethics and the God-pleasing life of not only us Orthodox people, but also of everyone with whom we share our living space.

In these days of Christmas joy, peace, and family warmth, in our prayers are those among whom the fire of war is burning, first the brothers and sisters of the same faith from Ukraine and Russia. We look with sadness at war, conflicts and its victims, in which various actors participate, publicly or secretly. The consequences of the tragic fratricidal Russian-Ukrainian conflict, fueled daily from outside, are terrible, and the conflagration of war, as never before, threatens the whole world. For this reason, we turn with a particularly fervent prayer to the God-Child Christ, and with a sincere fraternal appeal to all direct and indirect participants in the war, to find the strength within themselves, so that the suffering ends, the refugees return to their towns and villages, their homes are restored, and peace returns to the areas affected by war.

Since the middle of this year even in our own covenant homeland, Kosovo and Metohija, our neighbors have been issuing ultimatums and provocations, carrying out terror and continuously threatening the remaining, unprotected Serbs with persecution and cruelty, with ominous silence or, it seems to us, the tacit support of a certain powerful country. We remind all competent authorities that the universal human rights and freedoms enjoyed by Albanians and all people in the world should also apply to Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. Personal safety, security of property and freedom of movement belong to everyone equally and as such must be uninfringed.

Worshiping the Birth of Christ, we pray that in us, but also in all those with whom we share space and time, and in all the nations of the world, love, understanding and Christmas goodwill and peace that surpasses all understanding may reign (Philippians 4:7). Moved by the festive joy of Christmas, with special archpastoral care and responsibility, we send a message to all our fellow compatriots, brothers and sisters, Orthodox people, wherever they live, that the Mother Church is always with them and calls them to be ever ready to hear and practice the Gospel of Christ, and in this way to always be ready, without being silenced, to proclaim the good news of peace and love to every person and the whole world.

Congratulating you on Christmas and the New Year 2023 of God’s goodness, we wish you every true good and inalienable joy from the God-Child Christ, with the most joyful Christmas greeting:


Given at the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade at Christmas, 2022.

Your intercessors before the cradle of the divine Christ-Child:

Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade-Karlovci and Serbian Patriarch PORFIRIJE

Metropolitan of Dabro-Bosna CHRYSOSTOM

Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Coastlands JOANIKIJE

Bishop of Srem VASILIJE

Bishop of Banja Luka JEFREM

Bishop of Budim LUKIJAN

Bishop of Banat NIKANOR

Bishop of New Gracanica-Midwestern America LONGIN

Bishop of Canada MITROPHAN

Bishop of Backa IRINEJ

Bishop of Great Britain and Scandinavia DOSITEJ

Bishop of Zicha JUSTIN

Bishop of Vranje PAHOMIJE

Bishop of Sumadija JOVAN

Bishop of Branicevo IGNATIJE

Bishop of Zvornik-Tuzla FOTIJE

Bishop of Mileseva ATANASIJE

Bishop of Düsseldorf and Germany GRIGORIJE

Bishop of Ras and Prizren TEODOSIJE

Bishop of Western America MAXIM

Bishop of Gornji Karlovac GERASIM

Bishop of Eastern America IRINEJ

Bishop of Krusevac DAVID

Bishop of Slavonia JOVAN

Bishop of Austria and Switzerland ANDREJ

Bishop of Bihac-Petrovac SERGIJE

Bishop of Timok ILARION

Bishop of Nis ARSENIJE

Bishop of Buenos Aires and South Central America KIRILO

Bishop of Australia and New Zealand Metropolitanate SILUAN

Bishop of Dalmatia NIKODIM

Bishop of Osek-Polje and Baranja HERUVIM

Bishop of Valjevo ISIHIJE

Bishop of Budimlje and Niksic METODIJE

Bishop of Zahumlje and Hercegovina DIMITRIJE

Bishop of Sabac JEROTEJ

Bishop of Western Europe JUSTIN

Vicar Bishop of Moravica ANTONIJE

Vicar Bishop of Remezijan STEFAN

Vicar Bishop of Mohac DAMASKIN

Vicar Bishop of Marca SAVA

Vicar Bishop of Hum JOVAN

Vicar Bishop of Hvostan ALEKSEJ

Vicar Bishop of Novo Brdo ILARION

Vicar Bishop of Jegar NEKTARIJE

Vicar Bishop of Lipljane DOSITEJ

Vicar Bishop of Toplica PETAR


Archbishop of Ochrid and Metropolitan of Skoplje JOVAN

Bishop of Polog and Kumanovo JOAKIM

Bishop of Bregalnica MARKO

Vicar Bishop of Stobi DAVID

Српска Православна Црква

својој духовној деци о Божићу 2022. године


по милости Божјој

православни Архиепископ пећки,

Митрополит београдско-карловачки и

Патријарх српски,

са свим aрхијерејима Српске Православне Цркве – свештенству, монаштву и

свим синовима и кћерима наше свете Цркве

благодат, милост и мир од Бога Оца, и Господа

нашега Исуса Христа, и Духа Светога, уз сверадосни божићни поздрав:


…Роди нам се Дете, Син нам се даде,

којему је власт на рамену и име ће му бити:

Дивни, Саветник, Бог силни, Отац вечни, Кнез мира (Ис. 9, 6).

Драга наша децо духовна,

Радујмо се на овај велики и дивни празник Рођења Господа, Бога и Спаса нашег Исуса Христа, којим се остварило спасење света и човека! Придружимо се анђелима певајући: „Слава на висини Богу и на земљи мир, међу људима добра воља!” (Лук. 2, 14)! Зраци славе Господње су нам открили пећину која је свету постала источник Пута, Истине и Живота! Веселимо се са свеколиком творевином кличући песму нову, јер је Велики и веома Хваљени, над свима Господ, постао малено Дете! Ликујмо и, попут пастирâ у оној светлозарној ноћи, светлијој од дана, пригрлимо Онога Који је савио небеса у јасле! Празнујмо и, следујући мудрацима са Истока, неустрашиво проповедајмо блистајућу Звезду која је одагнала таму смрти и привела нас вечној Светлости и вечноме Смислу!

Тајна Божића садржана је у бескрајном смирењу Превечнога Који се родио као Детенце и дозволио да га додирнемо, а умало, по свезлој замисли Иродовој, и повредимо. Но, не марећи за људске слабости, Син Божји очекује нашу љубав и омогућује нам да Га загрлимо. Тако смо о Божићу позвани да будемо судеоници Његовог одрастања у овоме свету како бисмо узрасли у меру раста пуноће Христове (Еф. 4, 13). У овој богочовечанској спрези ми усвајамо јеванђелске врлине, вечне вредности које Син Божји Собом доноси на земљу.

Живећи по заповестима Господњим, у окриљу свете Цркве, ми почињемо да гледамо Његовим очима, дишемо Његовим плућима и мислимо Његовим умом. На тај начин постепено усвајамо ум Христов, јеванђелски етос, вечне вредности, постајући препорођени људи, грађани Царства Небеског и укућани Дома Божјега.

Браћо и сестре, ако се определимо да будемо обликовани Тајном љубави и смирења, пројављеном у Догађају Рођења Христова, преобразиће се и све око нас. Ако нам мерило свих вредности постане Божанско Чедо Које повијено лежи у јаслама, зачућемо исти онај укрепљујући глас анђелâ који је у првој божићној ноћи утешио пастире: „Не бојте се! Јер вам, ево, јављам радост велику која ће бити свему народу. Јер вам се данас роди Спас, који је Христос Господ” (Лук. 2, 10 – 12). Oво вечно и непролазно анђелско охрабрење својом благодатном поруком и силом претвара страдални и немирима распарчани свет у место божићног мира и радости. Да би тај даровани нам мир постао делатан у наше време и у нашем животу, ми се за то морамо својски потрудити, морамо га не само прихватити него и учинити суштинским садржајем нашег живота.

Братоубилачки и разорни ратови, који и данас широм планете Земље сеју смрт, показују да прави мир није просто одсуство оружаног сукоба већ плод самопрегорне жртве коју је међу људима засејао и Својим Очовечењем запечатио Сâм Господ. Мир Божји нам се открива у богочовечанској Личности Христовој, куца на врата наше слободе и позива нас да га уведемо у своје домове и школе, на своја радна места, у скровишта, ровове, животе. Позива нас да се придружимо свима који са нама деле исти, вечни, свети и непромењиви етос или систем вредности – оно што волимо и што јесмо, оно у што верујемо и што знамо. Тада ћемо и у својим ближњима препознати Богомладенца и моћи да и њих дарујемо златом животне радости, смирном искрене љубави и тамјаном истинског смирења.

Драга децо духовна, Рођење Христово је одувек и од свих поштовано и као породични празник, празник домаћег огњишта и његове топлине. Зато је погрешно да се на Бадње вече, у предвечерје радосног Празника, не дочекује Богомладенац, Који је предвечни Бог и Дете нас ради рођено, у домаћој атмосфери која преко бадњака, расуте сламе и свега осталога подсећа на скромну пећину у којој је Он, Најсмиренији међу смиренима, рођен, повијен и у најобичније јасле положен, и да се уместо тога по улицама и трговима слави на полупагански начин у полупијаној атмосфери.

Као што су моћници онога времена прогањали и желели да униште Богомладенца, тако и њихови данашњи наследници дижу глас против породице, утемељене у хришћанским вредностима. Одговор Цркве на ову јавну и трајну агресију не може бити другачији до јеванђелски, апостолски и божићни. То значи да Црква неодступно стоји на својим вечним и непромењивим уверењима, чувајући границе Закона како је благоизволео Бог, не намећући своје вредности никоме, али, истовремено, не одступајући од њих ни за јоту. Ниједну личност под небеским сводом ми не изводимо на свој, људски суд, нити бацамо духовно камење на оне који не деле нашу веру, али одлучно одбијамо да било чији слободни, али погрешни избор изједначимо са нашом слободом и одговорношћу која је прати.

Да би, у дубоко рањеном друштву, деца могла да се одупру поплави позивâ на насиље у школама, на друштвеним мрежама, на стадионима и у спортским халама, треба да буду одгајана у здравом породичном окружењу, обликована љубављу, а не мржњом и агресивношћу. Појаву насилног и деструктивног понашања у нашим школама прате и већ поменута недопустива настојања да се читавом просветном и образовном систему, од вртића до универзитета, наметну учења, идеологије, праксе и обичаји потпуно опречни хришћанском етичком кодексу и богоугодном животу не само нас православних Срба него и свих са којима делимо животни простор.

У данима божићне радости, мира и породичне топлине у нашим су молитвама и они међу којима букти ратни огањ, а најпре једноверна браћа и сестре из Украјине и Русије. Са тугом гледамо на ратне сукобе и жртве, у чему, јавно или тајно, учествују разни актери. Последице трагичног братоубилачког руско-украјинског сукоба, подстицаног свакодневно споља, страшне су, а ратни пожар, као никада до сада, прети целом свету. Због тога се са посебно усрдном молитвом обраћамо Богомладенцу Христу, а искреним братским позивом свим непосредним и посредним учесницима рата, да пронађу у себи снаге, како би престало страдање, избеглице се вратиле у своје градове и села, обновили се њихови домови, а мир се вратио у подручја захваћена ратним пожаром.

Од половине ове године и у нашој заветној родној земљи, на Косову и у Метохији, вековни комшилук поставља ултиматуме, провоцира, спроводи терор и непрекидно прети преосталим, незаштићеним Србима прогоном и зулумом, уз злослутно ћутање или, чини нам се, прећутну подршку појединих моћних држава. Подсећамо све надлежне чиниоце на то да и за Србе на Косову и Метохији треба да важе универзална људска права и слободе какве имају Албанци и сви људи на свету. Лична безбедност, сигурност имовине и слобода кретања припадају свима подједнако и као таква морају да буду неприкосновена.

Клањајући се Рождеству Христовом, молимо се да у нама, али и у свима са којима делимо простор и време живота и у свим народима света завладају љубав, разумевање и божићна добра воља и мир који превазилази сваки ум (Фил. 4, 7). Празничном радошћу Рождества покретани, са нарочитом архипастирском бригом и одговорношћу поручујемо свим нашим саплеменицима, браћи и сестрама, православним Србима, где год живели, да је Мајка Црква увек уз њих и да их позива да буду будни за слушање и вршење Јеванђеља Христовог, а кроз то приправни да благу вест мира и љубави неућутно објављују сваком човеку и целом свету.

Честитајући вам Божић и Нову 2023. годину доброте Господње, желимо вам свако истинско добро и неотуђиву радост од Богодетета Христа, уз сверадосни божићни поздрав:

Мир Божји – Христос се роди!

Дано у Патријаршији српској у Београду,

о Божићу 2022. годин

Ваши молитвеници пред Богомладенцем Христом:




Митрополит дабробосански ХРИЗОСТОМ

Митрополит црногорско-приморски ЈОАНИКИЈЕ

Епископ сремски ВАСИЛИЈЕ

Епископ бањалучки ЈЕФРЕМ

Епископ будимски ЛУКИЈАН

Епископ банатски НИКАНОР

Епископ новограчаничко-средњезападноамерички ЛОНГИН

Епископ канадски МИТРОФАН

Епископ бачки ИРИНЕЈ

Епископ британско-скандинавски ДОСИТЕЈ

Епископ жички ЈУСТИН

Епископ врањски ПАХОМИЈЕ

Епископ шумадијски ЈОВАН

Епископ браничевски ИГЊАТИЈЕ

Епископ зворничко-тузлански ФОТИЈЕ

Епископ милешевски АТАНАСИЈЕ

Епископ диселдорфски и немачки ГРИГОРИЈЕ

Епископ рашко-призренски ТЕОДОСИЈЕ

Епископ западноамерички МАКСИМ

Епископ горњокарловачки ГЕРАСИМ

Епископ источноамерички ИРИНЕЈ

Епископ крушевачки ДАВИД

Епископ славонски ЈОВАН

Епископ аустријско-швајцарски АНДРЕЈ

Епископ бихаћко-петровачки СЕРГИЈЕ

Епископ тимочки ИЛАРИОН

Епископ нишки АРСЕНИЈЕ

Епископ буеносајрески и јужно-централноамерички КИРИЛО

Епископ Митрополије аустралијско-новозеландске СИЛУАН

Епископ далматински НИКОДИМ

Епископ осечко-пољски и барањски ХЕРУВИМ

Епископ ваљевски ИСИХИЈЕ

Епископ будимљанско-никшићки МЕТОДИЈЕ

Епископ захумско-херцеговачки ДИМИТРИЈЕ

Епископ шабачки ЈЕРОТЕЈ

Епископ западноевропски ЈУСТИН

Викарни Епископ моравички АНТОНИЈЕ

Викарни Епископ ремезијански СТЕФАН

Викарни Епископ мохачки ДАМАСКИН

Викарни Епископ марчански САВА

Викарни Епископ хумски ЈОВАН

Викарни Епископ хвостански АЛЕКСЕЈ

Викарни Епископ новобрдски ИЛАРИОН

Викарни Епископ јегарски НЕКТАРИЈЕ

Викарни Епископ липљански ДОСИТЕЈ

Викарни Епископ топлички ПЕТАР


Архиепископ охридски и Митрополит скопски ЈОВАН

Епископ полошко-кумановски ЈОАКИМ

Епископ брегалнички МАРКО

Викарни Епископ стобијски ДАВИД

P.S. Our online Stewardship and Donations Form for 2023 is here.

Printable Greetings

Christmas Greeting

January 5, 2023 | Father Blasko, Highlight

Peace of God!
Christ is born!

“Today the Virgin giveth birth unto the Transcendent One, and the Earth offereth a cave to the unapproachable One. Angels and shepherds give glory, the magi journey with the star. For unto us, a Child is born, the pre-eternal God.”

In this beautiful Christmas hymn, dear Brothers and Sisters, the miraculous event of the birth of Christ is described. Heaven and Earth rejoice; both visible and material nature give an offering.
The birth of Christ is the most joyful and most miraculous event in the history of the whole universe. It is the only new and miraculous thing since the creation of the world; everything else is natural and ordinary, according to the words of St. John of Damascus.

Therefore St. Gregory the Theologian exclaims: “Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad, because of Him who is of heaven and is now on earth who through his incarnation granted us the restoration of life and renewed our lives, again to behold our former beauty with our God.” St. John Chrysostom describing this event says: “Bethlehem this day resembles heaven, hearing from the stars the singing of angelic voices, and in place of the sun, enfolds within itself on every side, the Sun of Justice.” And ask not how: for where God wills, the order of nature yields. For He willed, He had the power, He descended, He redeemed; all things move in obedience to God. This day He Who is, is Born; and He Who is becomes what He was not. For When He was God, He became man; yet not departing from the Godhead that is His. And how should we understand this great mystery? Our Holy Patriarch Pavle of blessed memory advises us: Every one of us needs to see in every other person the image of God, the image of our brother and of our eternal friend. Then will our hearts truly be Bethlehem’s cave in which Christ is continually being born anew. And the more hearts there are like this, the better everything will be and the better we will all be.

I greet you all with the traditional Nativity greeting of our faith: The Peace of God, Christ is Born! I wish you a most blessed Christmas and a Happy New 2023 Year! Your intercessor before the

Christ God,
Fr. Blasko Paraklis

P.S. Our online Stewardship and Donations Form for 2023 is here.

Printable Greeting and Mail-In Form

Sunday of All Saints Divine Liturgy on June 19, 2022

June 18, 2022 | Highlight, Livestream

Divine Liturgy

Sunday of the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council Divine Liturgy on June 5, 2022

June 4, 2022 | Highlight, Livestream

Divine Liturgy (Part 1)
Divine Liturgy (Part 2)

Sunday of the Blind Man Divine Liturgy on May 29, 2022

May 28, 2022 | Highlight, Livestream

Divine Liturgy

Sunday of the Samaritan Woman Divine Liturgy on May 22, 2022

May 21, 2022 | Highlight, Livestream

Divine Liturgy

Sunday of the Paralytic Divine Liturgy on May 15, 2022

May 14, 2022 | Highlight, Livestream

Divine Liturgy