Mailing: 24236 Olivera Dr, Mission Viejo, CA 92691 | Services: Courtyard by Marriott, 8 MacArthur Pl, Santa Ana, CA 92707

Pascha 2024

May 4, 2024 | Father Blasko, Highlight

Here, in these four words, the entire fate of all people and of all times is contained, dear brothers and sisters! In four words, the whole history of all mankind is determined! How can this be so?

Through His Resurrection, our Lord delivered mankind from hell into Paradise. Our Lord delivered mankind from death into Immortality. The Lord resurrected human beings from nothingness into Eternal Life. The Lord took man from the devil and placed him into the embrace of God. That is Pascha! That is Resurrection, truly the greatest revolution of all times and of all worlds. This is the only perfect and complete revolution, for through it, Eternal Life was granted to mankind! Eternal Life, which we enter through Eternal Truth, Eternal Justice, Eternal Love, and Eternal Joy, comes to us through the Resurrected Godman Christ, as our holy Father Justin Popovich used to say.

Therefore, Easter is not simply the remembrance of a past event. It looms far, far greater than that. It is the real encounter in happiness and joy with Him whom our hearts long ago knew and encountered as the life and light of all light from the very beginning. Easter testifies that Christ is alive and with us and that we are alive with him. The entire celebration is an invitation to look at the world and life and to behold the dawning of the new day in the Light of Christ’s Resurrection, in the Light of His Eternal Truth, Eternal Justice, Eternal Love, in the Light of His Eternal Life. The whole creation exults in faith, in love, and in hope and sings:

“This is the day of Resurrection,
Let us be illumined by the feast,
Let us embrace each other,
Let us call brothers, even those that hate us,
And forgive all by the Resurrection,
And so let us cry:
Christ is risen from the dead,
Trampling down death by death,
And upon those in the tombs bestowing life.”

May the light and joy of Christ’s Resurrection destroy the torments and anxieties of our times and fill our hearts with hope in Eternal Life!

With these thoughts, emotions, and prayerful wishes, once more, I greet you with the most joyous of all greetings:

Christ Is Risen!

With love in the Resurrected Lord,
Fr. Blasko Paraklis

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Donation Total: $200 Monthly

Building Fund Appeal

March 10, 2023 | Father Blasko, Highlight

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Through your love and generosity, we have been able to sustain the life and ministries of our church here in Orange County. The last two years have been incredibly challenging, yet our church continued to affirm the truth of Orthodoxy and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God has truly blessed us in many ways!

The greatest blessing came from Father Steven Tsichlis and the congregation of St. Paul’s Greek Orthodox Church, who opened their hearts and the doors of their church to us so we can continue serving regular Divine Liturgies and other services.

Now, we must strive forward and establish a permanent home for our congregation. In spite of all the challenges, we have been growing, and in order to continue to grow and do all the ministries and programs for our community and community in general, we must have our own facility. This year, the Parish Council is determined to purchase a commercial or an office building and remodel it to meet our needs. Providing a permanent place for our church is not just about getting bigger and better; it is about establishing a spiritual home for future generations of believers. Our Church welcomes all who are seeking salvation and who have a sincere desire to follow the founder and head of our ancient Faith, our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ. To accomplish this, we need to raise a minimum of 50% of the purchase price and have a steady stewardship fund that will make it possible to qualify for a loan.

I can truly say that the members of the board and I have considered several different options, and we strongly feel that purchasing an existing facility rather than renting one is the best option. Interest rates are increasing, and there is a growing number of buildings available, yet the prices in Orange County remain high – no doubt this is a multi-million-dollar project. We are counting on you and all the people of goodwill to demonstrate the love of Christ’s church by renewing your stewardship or becoming a new steward and donating the building fund to your greatest ability.

Your tax-deductible donations can be given immediately, pledged, and given over a period of time, or pledged to be given at the time of purchase. Last year, we raised about $120,000.00 for the building fund, but this is far away from what we need. Please be assured we are asking only for what you are able to give. You can be assured that your money will be accepted with sincere gratitude and used with care.

We humbly rely on your prayerful and financial support to establish a permanent home for Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos Church in Orange County. Please complete the form below and send the amount either via the link provided or by mail:

24236 Olivera Dr
Mission Viejo, CA 92691

May the blessings of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, be with you all.
With gratitude, Fr. Blasko Paraklis

For more information, please visit our campaign’s page:

Christmas Greeting

January 5, 2023 | Father Blasko, Highlight

Peace of God!
Christ is born!

“Today the Virgin giveth birth unto the Transcendent One, and the Earth offereth a cave to the unapproachable One. Angels and shepherds give glory, the magi journey with the star. For unto us, a Child is born, the pre-eternal God.”

In this beautiful Christmas hymn, dear Brothers and Sisters, the miraculous event of the birth of Christ is described. Heaven and Earth rejoice; both visible and material nature give an offering.
The birth of Christ is the most joyful and most miraculous event in the history of the whole universe. It is the only new and miraculous thing since the creation of the world; everything else is natural and ordinary, according to the words of St. John of Damascus.

Therefore St. Gregory the Theologian exclaims: “Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad, because of Him who is of heaven and is now on earth who through his incarnation granted us the restoration of life and renewed our lives, again to behold our former beauty with our God.” St. John Chrysostom describing this event says: “Bethlehem this day resembles heaven, hearing from the stars the singing of angelic voices, and in place of the sun, enfolds within itself on every side, the Sun of Justice.” And ask not how: for where God wills, the order of nature yields. For He willed, He had the power, He descended, He redeemed; all things move in obedience to God. This day He Who is, is Born; and He Who is becomes what He was not. For When He was God, He became man; yet not departing from the Godhead that is His. And how should we understand this great mystery? Our Holy Patriarch Pavle of blessed memory advises us: Every one of us needs to see in every other person the image of God, the image of our brother and of our eternal friend. Then will our hearts truly be Bethlehem’s cave in which Christ is continually being born anew. And the more hearts there are like this, the better everything will be and the better we will all be.

I greet you all with the traditional Nativity greeting of our faith: The Peace of God, Christ is Born! I wish you a most blessed Christmas and a Happy New 2023 Year! Your intercessor before the

Christ God,
Fr. Blasko Paraklis

P.S. Our online Stewardship and Donations Form for 2023 is here.

Printable Greeting and Mail-In Form


April 18, 2020 | Father Blasko, Highlight

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

About two thousand years ago, Christianity conquered the world with the joy of Easter, the resurrection. This joy was above all an answer to humanity’s perpetual question and grief about life‘s duality, joy, and mortality. It is only when we understand this that we can appreciate the great importance the first Christians attached to what might otherwise appear to be an inconsequential detail in the gospel account of the resurrection: Christ arose on the first day of the week, the day after the Sabbath. The first day became “the day of resurrection.” Sunday became the first day of that new time and of that new life which shone from the tomb. And over that life, as St. Paul wrote, “death no longer has dominion” (Rom. 6:9).

Christianity introduced a concept of life in which life ceases to be the victim of death. “O death, where is thy sting? O hell, where is thy victory?” (1 Cor. 15:55). This new experience is the very heart of Christianity and its fire. Death is overthrown; no longer is death a hopeless divorce from life. A new day has arrived, the first day of a new creation which overcomes the limits of time and brings eternal joy and eternal life. That experience is the Christian basis for the celebration of Easter. May this new experience of life through Christ’s resurrection become our experience in this Millennium and always!

For all of you who celebrate our Lord’s Resurrection in the name of the Crucified and Risen Christ, I pray from my heart for God’s blessings to be upon you and your family that you may continually strive for spiritual fulfillment in your words, your actions and your thoughts. With such hopes, I greet you all humbly and sincerely with the victorious Easter greeting:

Christ Is Risen!

With love in the Risen Lord,
Fr. Blasko Paraklis

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Donation Total: $200 Monthly

Christmas Greeting

January 7, 2020 | Father Blasko, Highlight

Beloved in the Godchild Christ brothers and sisters,

I wish you a most blessed feast of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ and I greet you with the most joyous greeting:

Peace of God! Christ is Born!

The story of Christ’s birth speaks to us about the mysterious ways of God. The Triune God acts in ways that we do not always expect! His ways are truly wonder-filled. For centuries, the Ancient Israelites had expected the Messiah. The prophets, especially Isaiah and Jeremiah, called the people to readiness and openness to God’s actions. Their message provided the people with indications about the coming Messiah.

Yet, when ‘the fullness of time had come’ (Gal. 4:4), the Messiah did not arrive as a conquering hero in a golden chariot with pomp and splendor. He was not robed in expensive clothing. He did not appear in the capital city. Throngs of adoring followers did not accompany him.

When the Messiah finally arrived, he came first as a baby. He was born to a young girl, Virgin Mary. The event occurred in the simple village of Bethlehem. He was sheltered in a place reserved for animals because the inn was full. There, in such simple circumstances, “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth…” (Jn. 1: 14). This is the mysterious way of God’s revelation!

Through the Christmas story, Our Lord reveals that God acts in ways that we do not always expect. We cannot shape the mighty acts of God to our limited understanding. The Triune God is greater than our limited perceptions of Him, yet He reveals Himself through the incarnation of the Second person of The  Holy Trinity  God-man Jesus Christ. He acts in mysterious and wondrous ways to draw us to Him and to one another in love.

I wish you a most blessed Christmas and Happy New 2020 Year!

With love in Christ,

Fr. Blasko Paraklis

Easter Celebration & Schedule of Services

April 17, 2019 | Father Blasko

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

Please view the flyer for Easter celebration with reservation portion for the banquet. I kindly ask you to send in your reservations as soon as possible. Here bellow is the Schedule of services:

Also, please plan on coming & attending the Annual meeting on Palm Sunday April 21st!


Since the early days of the Church, there has been a cycle of services celebrated during Holy Week and Pascha.

April 20th Lazarus Saturday Div. Liturgy at 9:00 AM

Vespers service and vrbica at 5 PM Please bring children @ 4:45 PM for procession with Vrbica and Bells

April 21st – CVETI ENTRANCE OF OUR LORD INTO JERUSALEM:Divine Liturgy at 10:00am: This liturgy heralds the end of the Great Fast and the beginning of Holy Week as Christ triumphantly enters into Jerusalem. The tradition, as the tropar states and the icon shows, is for a procession of palms led by the children. So begins our journey into Holy Week. During Holy Week, we fast from meat, poultry, dairy products, eggs, fish, wine and oil.

April 21st – Bridegroom Matins at following Annual meeting pm:Known in the Church as The End, the imagery here is about the Last Judgment. It relates the deep anguish of Christ as He prepares for His Passion. The services tell us to be ever vigilant for we do not know when God will come. These services are a triumph of the eschatological (last days) imagery in the Church.

April 22nd – VelikiPonedeqak Great and Holy Monday Presanctified Liturgy at 10:00am:
The readings from Exodus during these services tell of the Passover which precedes the Passover (Pascha) of Christ.

April 22nd – Bridegroom Matins at 7:00 pm.

April 23rd – VelikiUtorak Great and Holy Tuesday Presanctified Liturgy at 10:00 am

April 23rd – Bridegroom Matins at 7:00 pm

April 24th – VelikaSreda Great and Holy Wednesday Presanctified Liturgy at 10:00 am

April 24th – VelikaSreda Great and Holy Wednesday Holy Unction at 7pm, at St. Steven Serbian Orthodox Cathedral at 1621 West Garvey Ave., in Alhambra. For Holy Unction there should be more priests serving, therefore, all of us Serbian priests gather together at the Cathedral to perform this Holy Sacrament for all the Faithful. This service relates to the event when the harlot anoints Christ and is forgiven. On this day we customarily anoint the people with Holy Oil as a sign of healing and remission of sins.

April 25th – Veliki ^etvrtak Great and Holy Thursday: Holy Vespers Liturgy of Holy Thursday at 10:00am: This solemn Liturgy commemorates the First Eucharist also known as Red Thursday. The darkness of the week is broken slightly because of the importance of the Eucharistic event. Traditionally the priest prepares the reserve sacrament of the year. The passion of Christ is now close.

April 25th – Veliki ^etvrtak – Great and Holy Thursday Matins of Holy Friday Thursday evening at 7:00pm. The service, commonly known as “The Twelve Gospels”as the Church, remembers the betrayal and crucifixion of Christ by reading the twelve Gospel accounts. A climatic point of Holy Week emphasizing the reality of actions.

April 26th – VelikiPetak – Great and Holy Friday Royal Hours at 10:00am: Known as Royal because there is a Gospel reading and the Emperor would attend this service. It recounts the entire Gospel and Passion of Jesus Christ.

April 26th – Veliki Petak – Great and Holy Friday Vespers at 4:00pm: Remembering the crucifixion and death of Christ. There is a solemn procession as the burial shroud (plashtanica) is brought out to the people. Christ is laid in the tomb and our vigil of the Resurrection begins.

April 26th – Like every year, please bring children for coloring of eggs from 5 – 7 PM

April 26th – Veliki Petak – Great and Holy Friday Matins of Holy Saturday on Friday evening at 7:00pm: Known as the Praises of the Lamentations, the service begins the Sabbath as Christ lays in rest in the tomb. Often seen as a funeral service for Christ, in fact it is a commemoration of the law and love of God towards His people.

April 27th – Velika Subota – Great and Holy Saturday and The Annuciation Vesperal Liturgy of Holy Saturday at 10:00am: The death of Christ is linked with the creative acts of God. It is here that Christ descends into Hell and breaks the doors. The service inaugurates the paschal celebration as the service is bright and uplifting. The tomb is revealed as a place of life.

April 27th – VelikaSubota Vaskrsno jutrewe- Great and Holy Saturday:The Services of the Great and Holy Pascha Saturday evening starting at 11:30pm: The Joy of Joys, Holiday of Holidays, celebrating Christ’s Resurrection. The service begins with nocturn anticipating the Resurrection. The procession follows at midnight announcing the Resurrection to the world. We then celebrate the Paschal matins.Baskets will be blessed after Ruserrecional Matins on Pascha night and again following Divine Liturgy on Sunday.

April 28th – “VASKRSEWE HRISTOVO” – PASCHA CELEBRATION, Divine Liturgy at 10:00am at Parish Center, 2148 Michelson Dr., Irvine. This is the Great and Joyous Liturgy celebrating the Pascha of our Lord.The Parish celebrates the Resurrection with a feast and events for the children and adults. Banquet will be held after the Divine Liturgy at St. Mark Antiochian Church. See the detailed information later in this Newsletter. Serbian Music and entertainment will be provided by Paganini Orchestra.

April 29th – Vaskrsni ponedeqak -Bright Week. The Divine Liturgy will be held at 10:00 am.

April 30th – Vaskrsni utorak -Bright Week (on Tuesday -no Liturgy here – there will be Liturgy @ the Monastery in Escondido) and on Monday, April 16th, the Divine Liturgy will be held at 10:00 am.

Also, dear Brothers and Sisters: One Serbian Lady is looking for a domestic job to take care of an elderly person or children. If you know of anyone who needs such a worker please let me know.

Wishing you all a blessed remainder of Holy Great Lent,

With love in Christ,

Fr. Blasko

One Million Dollar Building Fund Matching Challenge Update

October 24, 2017 | Father Blasko

Dear Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos Serbian Orthodox Church Parishioners and Friends,

There are only five weeks remaining in the Million Dollar Match. Now is the time, before this great opportunity expires, to make a donation to our Building Fund that will be matched, i.e., doubled, by His Excellency Mr. Milan Panic.


Important Survey

May 21, 2017 | Father Blasko

Dear Parishioners,

On behalf of the board, I would like to give you an overview of three interwoven initiatives that are underway to ensure the health and longevity of our church community. Many of you have been involved in sustaining our place of worship, our community, and our unique cultural lineages. Some of you have joined us recently, and some of have persevered since the inception almost 19 years ago. We are grateful for all that each of you has done. The time has come, through the grace of God and generosity of Mr. Milan Panic, for us to make more substantial progress toward ensuring that we, and those that follow, will have a permanent structure in Orange County to worship together, to interact as a supportive community, and to continue the unique identities of our Orthodox Faith and our cultural lineages.

Along with managing the day to day operations of our parish, the three interlaced initiatives include a survey, the development of our purpose/vision/values guiding document, and the necessary funding to secure a permanent structure. This survey will provide crucial information about our hopes and dreams for this parish. It will also provide insight into what we envision for this parish’s permanent structure. The information from the survey will be foundational for the other two initiatives and will guide our future actions on these initiatives. Please take the time to share your experiences and views through this survey. As you will see in the introduction of the survey, your individual responses will be held confidential. The compiled data will first be shared with the board and then with the whole parish. Narandja Milanovich, BSME, MME, MA Counseling, MA Psychology, Ph.D. Psychology along with her husband Gary Eagleson, will compile the results of the survey and present this data to the church board and parish.

The purpose/vision/values document will initially be drafted by a smaller group of parishioners, for practical purposes, followed by the engagement of the whole parish. For clarity, below are some thoughts on what this document is about.

Our purpose (or mission) statement will answer the question ‘Why does this parish exist?’ in the larger context of the Church as a living manifestation of our spiritual beliefs. A purpose statement (or mission statement) is something that will directionally guide those that follow us for decades to come. The vision answers the question, ‘What will be accomplished?’ in the next 5-10 years in pursuit of our purpose/mission. The vision statement speaks to specific, concrete objectives and goals that we can measure. The values or rules of engagement/conduct provide guidance of how we are to act and be as we move toward our vision. All three elements: purpose/vision/values give direction to our decisions as we search for funding, securing a permanent structure, and how we conduct our day to day operations in the parish.

We will ensure alignment of the contents of purpose/vision/values to coincide and align with our Serbian Orthodox Church’s Western Diocese’s mission. It will be the primary guiding document for a future decision regarding securing our permanent structure and our day -to- day operations. Narandja Milanovich, Gary Eagleson, and Mila Evanovich will provide facilitation for the development of our guiding document.

The ongoing search for funding and securing of our permanent structure has entered a unique six-month phase. Mr. Milan Panic’s generous offer to match up to one million dollars will expire November 13, 2017, so there is much to accomplish given this unique opportunity. Spearheading the matching fund’s effort is John Vukasovich, and he will be looking for expertise and help. Our vision of what we foresee for our future parish facility must be clear and concise because it will guide our implementation strategy. The implementation strategy will in turn set priority and timing for which structures (cultural center, hall, sanctuary, et al.) will be secured and made operational first. Please make sure you answer the last question in the survey pertaining to the area where you want to get involved, using your unique skills and experiences.

I am hopeful that we are entering a more secure and sustainable phase of our parish where we can continue our spiritual development, get and give support as a community, and ensure the longevity of our unique Orthodox Christian and cultural lineages.

The survey is available here (or

Blessings to each of you,

Father Blasko on behalf of
Nativity of The Most Holy Theotokos Serbian Orthodox Church of Orange County

Original Letter from Father Blasko

Father Blasko’s Sermon on the Incarnation of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

June 10, 2014 | Father Blasko, Media, Uncategorized

Father Blasko’s Sermon on the Love of the Living and the Dead

May 5, 2014 | Father Blasko, Media, Uncategorized