Mailing: 24236 Olivera Dr, Mission Viejo, CA 92691 | Services: Courtyard by Marriott, 8 MacArthur Pl, Santa Ana, CA 92707

One Million Dollar Building Fund Matching Challenge Update

One Million Dollar Building Fund Matching Challenge Update

Dear Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos Serbian Orthodox Church Parishioners and Friends,

There are only five weeks remaining in the Million Dollar Match. Now is the time, before this great opportunity expires, to make a donation to our Building Fund that will be matched, i.e., doubled, by His Excellency Mr. Milan Panic.

Our goal is to double the number of donors before the end of November. Although our Capital Campaign will continue for approximately the next 3 years, this opportunity will not. If you can make a donation, no matter the amount, please consider doing so. You can visit our website to make a donation conveniently online, or you may mail a check to:

The Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos Serbian Orthodox Church
2148 Michelson Dr
Irvine, CA 92612

Visit and follow our Facebook page to see new content about our Church and the Building Fund Drive.

We would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to following Parishioners and Friends for their kind and generous donations for the future of our parish:

One Million Dollar Match Donors

Arsenijevic, Clara Hill, Douglas & Colleen Martinovich Novakovic, Zoran & Tatjana Radojkovic Seffer, Uri
Atanaskovic, Srdan & Maja Ivetic, Ognjen Palmquist, Alina Geleskul Simich, Danilo & Carmen
Babic, Rade & Stoja & Marcella Jocic, Ljubomir & Ljilja Panic, Milan & Milena Kitic Simich, Petar D.
Baskevitch, Diana & George Jovanovic, Milos & Marina Paraklis, Blasko & Danijela Sredanovic, Vera
Baskevitch, George M.D. Kamalski, Mary Paunovic, Mila The Marc and Eva Stern Foundation
Bengin, Slavko & Dragica Kolev, Nikolay & Petya Perisic, Milun & Tanja Stankovic, Uros & Marina
Blank, Marilyn Musulin Kral, Paul & Barbara Petrovic, Connie & Dragi Stojanovic, Bozidar & Natasa
Bojic Raicevic, Andjelka & Vladimir Kurkjian, Harold & Betty Ann Petrovic, Dragan & Sladjana Fadel Striganov, Alex & Yelena
Boskovich, Milos & Ivanka Srbinovska Lapadat, Mary Polic, Marina Tatalovic, Zivko
Bozovich, Bruce & Branislava Marovich, Diana, Dayna & Denise Profant, Mignonne Toplac, Mirjana
Cannell, Tatiana McClellan, Jack & Gilbert Popovich Radic, Milanka & Nebojsa Trifunovic, Bozana
Danilychev, Alex & Irene  Mertich, Mercia & Milan Radosavljevic, Milanka Vidovich, Dennis & Sanja Petrovic
Davidovic, William Miladinovich-Mandic, Milica & R. Rakic, Radivoj & Zvezdana Vitomirov, Ilija & Olivera
Dillon, Cecile Ph.D. Milinovic, Mr. & Mrs. Alex Rakonjac, Sanja & Marko Vukasovich, John & Milica
Djuricin, Milenko &Svetlana Milosevic, Dragan & Danijela Richards, Tatiana Vuksanovich, D.
Dostanic, Miodrag & Nicol Milosavljevic, Branislav & Slavica Runic, Peter & Radmila Vulovic, Miroslava & Momcilo
Filipovic, Rade & Mariora Mitrovic, Miroslav & Stojanka Salz, James & Judith Waterbury, James & Mila Evanovich
Gallardo, Biljana Mitrovich, Olga Samarzich, Vido Widera, Erika & Uros Seferovic
Garbis, Chris & Tiffany Nadjsombati, Biljana & Sinisa Satterlee, John & Christina Wiel, Bosiljka & Colette
Gorgi, Akram & Irene Nenadic, Zoran & Sanja Savic, Ljubica Zivojnovic, Vojin & Ljubica
Harris, Steven & Shelly Nikchevich, Julie Schipsi, Robert & Jennifer Zlatic, Aleks & Sandra
Casa Allena, LLC Prime Express Inc. Procare Work Injury Center

In Christ,
Fr. Blasko Paraklis
Parish Priest

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