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Blind to the Truth

Thurs­day. [Acts 14:20–27; John 9:39–10:9] And Je­sus said, For judg­ment I am come in­to this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind (John 9:39). They which could not see were the sim­ple peo­ple who be­lieved the Lord in sim­plic­i­ty of heart, while they which saw were the scribes and learned men of that time, who due to their pride of mind did not be­lieve, and held back the peo­ple. Our clev­er ones think that they see, and, this is why they are a­li­en­a­ted from that faith in the Lord that the sim­ple in heart and mind firm­ly hold to. There­fore, ac­cord­ing to the truth of the Lord they are blind, where­as the peo­ple see. They are ex­act­ly like those birds which can see at night, but not dur­ing the day. The truth of Christ is dark for them, where­as what is con­tra­ry to this truth — false­hood — to them seems clear: here they are in their el­e­ment. This is so ob­vi­ous, but nev­er­the­less they are read­y to ask: Are we blind al­so? (John 9:40). There is noth­ing to hide; you are blind. But since it is your own fault that you are blind, the sin of blind­ness and not see­ing the light lies on you. You can see, but you do not want to, be­cause you came to love a de­cep­tive, yet tempt­ing lie.

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