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Cleave to the Lord

Sat­ur­day. [Acts 12:1–11; John 8:31–42] The Lord said: If the Son there­fore shall make you free, ye shall be free in­deed (John 8:36). Here is where free­dom is! The mind is bound with bonds of ig­no­rance, de­lu­sions, su­per­sti­tions, and un­cer­tain­ties; it strug­gles, but can­not get a­way from them. Cleave to the Lord and He will en­light­en your dark­ness (cf. Ps. 18:28) and dis­solve all the bonds in which your mind lan­guish­es. The pas­sions bind the will, and do not give it space in which to act; it strug­gles, like one bound hand and foot, and can­not get a­way. But cleave to the Lord and He will give you the strength of Sam­son, and will dis­solve all the bonds of un­truth bind­ing you. Con­stant wor­ries sur­round the heart and do not give it peace. But cleave to the Lord, and He will soothe you; then, at peace, and see­ing clear­ly ev­ery­thing a­round you, you will march in the Lord with­out hin­drance or stum­bl­ing through the gloom and dark­ness of this life, to the all-bless­ed, com­plete joy and spa­cious­ness of eter­ni­ty.

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