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Fear of death and judgement

Tues­day. [Rom. 7:14-8:2; Matt. 10:9-15] The Lord al­so said to the a­pos­tles that if a city does not re­ceive them, and will not hear their words, then It shall be more tol­er­a­ble for the land of Sod­om and Gomorrha in the day of judg­ment, than for that city. And what will hap­pen to us for our not hear­ing the words of Di­vine Rev­e­la­tion? It will be im­meas­ur­ab­ly in­tol­er­a­ble be for us. To dis­be­lieve the truth of God af­ter so man­y tan­gi­ble proofs is the same as re­vil­ing the Ho­ly Spir­it, and blas­phem­ing. And yet we have no fear. The spiritists [and Hindus] say, “What judg­ment! We just have to be born a few more times.” The sci­en­tists say, “Whom is there to judge? Ev­ery­thing is made of at­oms; they will fly a­part and that will be the end.” But, my friends, the hour of death will come; these dreams will fly a­way like phan­toms, and we will all be faced with inevitability re­al­i­ty. What then?… What wretch­ed times we live in! The en­e­my has con­trived to de­stroy our souls. He knows that fear of death and judg­ment is the strongest means for so­ber­ing up a soul — and so he makes ev­ery at­tempt to drive this a­way; and he suc­ceeds. But ex­tin­guish the fear of death and fear of God will dis­ap­pear; and with­out the fear of God the con­science be­comes mute. The soul be­comes emp­ty, it be­comes a wa­ter­less cloud, car­ried by any wind of teach­ings and var­i­ous fits of pas­sions.

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