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Great Lent Has Come

Mon­day (1st Week of Lent). “Lent has come, O moth­er of chas­ti­ty.” What was the time be­fore this day? A time of for­ni­ca­tion.[1] The soul for­ni­cat­ed with all that struck its eye as pleas­ant — both with peo­ple and with things: more ful­ly, with sin­ful pas­sions. Ev­ery­one has his pas­sion which he pleas­es in all he does. It is time to put an end to this. May each of you com­pre­hend your De­li­lah, who binds you and hands you over to evil en­e­mies, and aban­don her. Then you will be giv­en more than Sam­son: not on­ly shall your hair grow, but so al­so shall good thoughts; and not on­ly shall your strength re­turn, but so al­so your strength of will. Your eyes shall al­so o­pen, your mind shall have sight and it shall see the Lord, your­self, and ev­ery­thing a­round you in the prop­er light. This is the fa­vour­able time! This is the day of sal­va­tion![1] “A time of for­ni­ca­tion.” For­ni­ca­tion here has a dou­ble mean­ing in Rus­sian, both of for­ni­ca­tion and roam­ing.

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