Saturday. [Heb. 5:1-8; Luke 14:1-11] When you are bidden somewhere, do not sit in the highest place. In sum: always and everywhere, seek the lowliest place. In this simple rule is briefly expressed the entire rich substance of humility. Take this rule, sit down and examine all pos‐sible cases in your life, and in ad‐vance choose the lowliest place in each of them. This will be the prac‐tice of humility, which will gradual‐ly move from external deeds to the inner, and will form a sediment of humility there as a foundation. Time will make this seed to grow a‐midst this practice, and humility will at last fill all of your soul and body, and all outer affairs. What will happen? Moral greatness will shine on your brow and attract uni‐versal respect; and the words will be fulfilled in you: Whosoever exalt‐eth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalt‐ed. However, do not have this as your intention while practicing hu‐mility, but rather humility itself. It in and of itself brings a blessed good disposition to the soul. Where hu‐mility comes all inner troubles cease and all external adversities do not produce startling impressions. Just as a wave which meets no im‐pediment spills into a boundless sea without noise or crash, so outer and inner sorrows do not harm a hum‐ble soul, but are carried as though on the surface, without leaving a trace. This is the worldly advantage, so to speak, of a humble person. What light from above illumines him, what consolations are sent, what breadth of free action is re‐vealed! Truly, only humility con‐tains it all…
Saint Theophan the Recluse