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Sat­ur­day. [Rom 6:3–11; Matt. 28:1–20] The Lord sleeps bodi­ly in the tomb; in soul He de­scend­ed in­to ha­des and preach­ed sal­va­tion to the souls there. The Old Tes­ta­ment saints were not in heav­en, al­though they a­bode in the con­sol­ing faith that they would be brought there as soon as the Prom­ised One came to earth, hav­ing lived by faith in Him. There al­so the Fore­run­ner foretold of His com­ing. When the Lord de­scend­ed, all who be­lieved cleaved to Him and were lift­ed up by Him in­to heav­en. But even that heav­en is on­ly the thresh­old of the true par­a­dise which will be re­veal­ed af­ter the gen­er­al res­ur­rec­tion and judge­ment., Al­though all of the new-tes­ta­ment saints al­so are bless­ed in heav­en, they a­wait an even more per­fect bliss in the age to come, with a new heav­en and new earth (cf. Rev. 21:1), when God will be all in all (cf. I Cor. 15:28).

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