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I Will Give You Rest

Thursday. [Rom. 11:13-24; Matt. 11:27-30] Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. O divine, O dear, O sweetest voice of Thine! Let us all follow the Lord Who calls us! But first we must feel something diffi?cult and burdensome for us. We must feel that we have many sins, and that these sins are grave. From this feeling is born the need to seek relief. Faith will then show us that our only refuge is in the Lord and Saviour, and our steps will direct themselves toward Him. A soul de?siring to be saved from sins knows what to say to the Lord: “Take my heavy, sinful burden from me; and I will take on Thy easy yoke.” And it happens like this: the Lord forgives the sins, and the soul begins to walk in His commandments. The com?mandments are the yoke, and sins are the burden. But comparing the two, the soul finds that the yoke of the commandments is light as a feather, while the burden of sins is heavy as a mountain. Let us not fear readily accepting the Lord’s easy yoke and His light burden. In no other way can we find rest unto our souls.

Saint Theophan the Recluse

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