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Integrity of marriage

Tues­day. [Heb. 12:25-26, 13:22-25; Mark 10:2-12] emWhat God hath join­ed to­geth­er, let not man put asun­der/em. With these words the Lord af­firms the in­teg­ri­ty of mar­riage; on­ly one law­ful ground for di­vorce is in­di­cat­ed — a spouse’s un­faith­ful­ness. But what should one do if one dis­cov­ers some­thing like this? Be pa­tient. We have a uni­ver­sal com­mand­ment — to bear one an­oth­er’s bur­dens; even more will­ing­ly should close ones, such as spou­ses, mu­tu­al­ly ful­fill this with re­spect to one an­oth­er. Un­will­ing­ness to be pa­tient blows up some un­pleas­ant­ness out of pro­por­tion, and tri­fles pile up in­to a di­vid­ing wall. What is the mind giv­en us for? To smooth out the path of life. Wis­dom will work out any un­pleas­ant­ness which is met. Be­cause of lack of earth­ly wis­dom, it not worked out; even more be­cause of an un­will­ing­ness to think over well the state of things, and even more from not hav­ing any goal in life oth­er than plea­sure. Plea­sures cease, sat­is­fac­tion with one an­oth­er ceases; on it goes un­til di­vorce. The more goals in life are de­based, the more fre­quent di­vorc­es be­come on the one hand, and on the oth­er — un­law­ful tem­po­rary co­hab­i­ta­tion. The source of this evil lies in ma­te­ri­a­lis­tic views of the world and life.

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