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Kingdom of God is at hand

Mon­day. [II Cor. 5:10-15; Mark 1:9-15] The Lord began His ser­mon thus: The time is ful­fill­ed, and the King­dom of God is at hand: re­pent ye, and be­lieve the Gos­pel. At the end of the ages it will al­so be said: the time is ful­fill­ed, the king­dom is at hand; but this state­ment will not be fol­low­ed by re­pent ye, and be­lieve but “come out to the judg­ment.” The time for re­pen­tance and la­bours of self-im­prove­ment is end­ed; let ev­ery­one give an ac­count of what good or evil things he did in his bod­y. And so, while there is time, hur­ry to use this time un­to your sal­va­tion. The Fa­ther’s em­brace is o­pen for the ac­cep­tance of all who come with a sin­cere feel­ing of con­tri­tion a­bout the past, and with a de­sire to serve God hence­forth by zeal­ous ful­fill­ment of His ho­ly com­mand­ments. For each of us the end of this age is death: it is the door to the oth­er life. Look in­to it more of­ten and de­ter­mine for your­self more tru­ly: what then? And hav­ing de­ter­mined this with­out pit­y­ing your­self, be­gin laboring to pre­pare what is not read­y, to en­ter the place where joy is un­end­ing. La­bor to push aside all that could give the ser­vants of out­er dark­ness the right to pre­vail over us and car­ry us a­way to their realm, from whence there will no long­er be a way out.

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