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Lies Easily Conquered

[Acts 2:14–21; Luke 24:12–35] At that time the Jews attempted to overshadow the light of Christ’s Resurrection with the mist of a lie: His disciples stole Him (Matt. 28:13). It was

pettiness, and the truth triumphed. But until now the enemy has not ceased to spread mist before the Sun of Resurrection, hoping to over?shadow it. Let nobody be troubled! What can be expected from the fa?ther of lies

taught many of his minions to write entire books against the Resurrec?tion. This

dissipated by books. Do not pick up a bad book, and you will not be mist-enshrouded by it; but if you should accidentally come upon such a book, take up a good book as an antidote, and you will refresh your head and breast. There is another mist that comes from the enemy —in our thoughts. But this can also be immediately

smoke in the wind, through sensible Christian discernment. Review all the preceding with discernment and you will see clear as day that it would have been impossible for all of it to happen except through the power of Christ’s Resurrection. This conviction will then be a firm stand?point from which you will easily re?pel and strike down the enemies of the truth.

Saint Theophan the Recluse

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