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Not caring about anything

Tues­day. [Rom. 10:11-11:2; Matt. 11:16-20] The Lord says that we, not head­ing the Gos­pels, are like those to whom mer­ry songs are sung, but they do not dance; sad songs are sung, and they do not cry. You can­not do any­thing with them. We are prom­ised the heav­en­ly King­dom, most bright and joy­ous, but we are unmoved, as if they were not speak­ing to us. We are threaten­ed with im­par­tial judg­ment and un­end­ing tor­ments, but we are not alarmed; it is as if we do not hear. Down­trod­den, we have lost all feel­ing of true self-preservation. We move as ones be­ing led di­rect­ly to de­struc­tion, and ha­ven’t a care for our des­ti­ny. We have lost heart, giv­en our­selves over to care­less­ness — what will be, will be! Look at our state! Isn’t this why sui­cides are so fre­quent? It is the fruit of mod­ern teach­ings and views on man and his [in]significance! There is prog­ress for you! There is en­light­en­ment! It would be bet­ter to be to­tal­ly ig­no­rant, but save your soul with fear of God, than, hav­ing at­tain­ed the ti­tle of an en­light­ened per­son, to per­ish un­to the ages, nev­er think­ing your en­tire life a­bout what will hap­pen af­ter death. Not a sin­gle jot shall pass from the word of God, which de­scribes both the heav­en­ly king­dom and hell — all will be as it is writ­ten. Take this to heart, ev­ery­one, as some­thing which touch­es you per­son­al­ly; and take care for your­self, with all your strength, and as long as time re­mains.

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