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Should we look for another?

Thurs­day. [Phil. 3:1-8; Luke 7:17-30] Saint John the Fore­run­ner sends his dis­ci­ples to ask the Lord: is He the One That should come? Or should they look for an­oth­er? He did not ask this for him­self but for his dis­ci­ples, for he knew pre­cise­ly who Je­sus Christ was, be­ing in­formed a­bout this from heav­en. The dis­ci­ples sought an an­swer to this ques­tion not out of emp­ty in­quis­i­tive­ness, but out of a sin­cere de­sire to know the truth. To such as these there is no need to say much; the Lord does not speak, on­ly in­di­cates what had been ac­com­plished by Him at that time. Di­vine deeds witn­essed to His di­vin­i­ty. It was so ob­vi­ous, that the ques­ti­on­ers no long­er ques­tioned. This is the way it al­ways is. The pow­er of God lives in the Church; a sin­cere seek­er of the truth im­me­di­ate­ly feels it and is sure of this truth. This sure­ness through ex­pe­ri­ence puts an end to all ques­tions and com­plete­ly sooth­es. He who does not want to be­lieve, and, hav­ing lost his faith, be­gins to seek in the Church and Chris­tian­i­ty not the foun­da­tions of faith, but grounds to jus­ti­fy his un­be­lief, will find no in­di­ca­tions sat­is­fac­to­ry. He con­sid­ers his un­be­lief well-ground­ed, al­though its foun­da­tions are pet­ty and in­sig­nif­i­cant. His heart wants this — that is why it is all tol­er­a­ble.

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