Mailing: 30251 Golden Lantern Ste E #380, Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 | Services: 4949 Alton Pkwy, Irvine, CA 92604

Sermon on Mothers Day

A sermon about mothers on Mother's Day at the Most Holy Theotokos Serbian Orthodox Church in Irvine.

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“Encountering Mary” podcast series

A series podcasts by Ancient Faith Radio that discusses several misconceptions, misperceptions and offer some perspectives that will help someone

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Easter Service Calendar Myrrh-Streaming Mother of God Icon “Softener of Evil Hearts” Serbian New Year 2020 2019 EuroSerb Food and Folk Fest Church Slava

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Saint Angelina The Monk Alexander of Svirsk The Monk Dometios The Monks Simeon, Fool-for-Christ, and his Fellow-Ascetic John The Holy Great Martyress Marina The Monk Varlaam of Khutynsk The Holy Virgin Pelagia Saints Timothy and Maura Blessed Martyrs and Fathers of the Saint David-Gareji Monastery The Holy Martyress Thomaida