Mailing: 24236 Olivera Dr, Mission Viejo, CA 92691 | Services: Courtyard by Marriott, 8 MacArthur Pl, Santa Ana, CA 92707

Common Prayer

The Lord gave a com­mon prayer for ev­ery­one, com­bin­ing in it all of our needs, spir­i­tu­al and bodi­ly, in­ner and out­er, eter­nal and tem­po­ral.

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House of Prayer

Fri­day. [I Cor. 14:26-40; Matt. 21:12-14, 17-20] My House shall be call­ed the house of prayer; but ye have made

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Be like little children

Mon­day. [I Cor. 11:31-12:1; Matt. 18:1-11] Ex­cept ye be con­vert­ed, and be­come as lit­tle chil­dren, ye shall not en­ter in­to

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Prayer in ordinary life

Peo­ple go to church with a de­sire to pray, to stand in it for a while with warm fer­vour; but then thoughts be­gin to wan­der.

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Struggling with Passions

Wednes­day. [I. Cor. 10:12-22; Matt. 16:20-24] When the Ho­ly A­pos­tles con­fess­ed the Sav­iour to be the Son of God, He

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Take No Thought

[Rom. 2:28–3:18; Matt. 6:31–34; 7:9–11] Take no thought (Matt. 6:31). Then how is one to live? We have to eat,

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No True God Without The Son

Fri­day. [Acts 19:1–8; John 14:1–11] If ye had known me, ye should have known my Fa­ther al­so (John 14:7). There­fore,

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My Sheep Hear My Voice

Fri­day. [Acts 15:5–34; John 10:17–28]emYe be­lieve not, be­cause ye are not of my sheep/em says the Lord to the un­be­liev­ing Jews. emMy

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Be Silent

If they praise you be si­lent, and if they re­buke you be si­lent, and if you make a prof­it be si­lent.

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The Light of the World

Thursday. [Acts 10:34–43; John 8:12–20] I am the light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk in

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Easter Service Calendar Myrrh-Streaming Mother of God Icon “Softener of Evil Hearts” Serbian New Year 2020 2019 EuroSerb Food and Folk Fest Church Slava

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Saint Angelina The Monk Alexander of Svirsk The Monk Dometios The Monks Simeon, Fool-for-Christ, and his Fellow-Ascetic John The Holy Great Martyress Marina The Monk Varlaam of Khutynsk The Holy Virgin Pelagia Saints Timothy and Maura Blessed Martyrs and Fathers of the Saint David-Gareji Monastery The Holy Martyress Thomaida