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The Nun Maria (Marinos)and her father the Monk Eugene (Eugenios)

Commemorated on February 12

The Nun Maria (Marinos)and her father the Monk Eugene (Eugenios) lived at the beginning of the VI Century in Bithynia (northwest district of Asia Minor). Bereaved of his wife, Eugene decided to withdraw to a monastery, but his daughter did not want to be separated from him, and so she accompanied him, dressed as a man. Together they entered a monastery not far from Alexandria, and the daughter received the name Marinos. “Brother” Marinos became much accomplished in virtue, and distinguished in humility and obedience. After several years, when the father of Saint Marinos died, she all the more intensified her ascetic efforts and received from the Lord the gift to heal those afflicted by unclean spirits. One time the “Monk” Marinos was sent with other monks to the monastery gardens, and along the way they had to spend the night at an inn. The inn-keeper’s daughter, having sinned with one of the lodgers, denounced the “Monk” Marinos and accused “him” as the culprit of her downfall. Her father complained to the hegumen of the monastery, who expelled the “sinful brother”. The nun said not a word in her defense and began to live at the monastery wall. When the hapless girl gave birth to a boy, the inn-keeper brought it to Marinos, and without a word he abandoned his grandson and withdrew. The saint took the infant and began to raise it. After the passing of three years the brethren besought the hegumen to take back the “Monk Marinos” into the monastery. The hegumen, who very reluctantly gave in to the requests, began to assign “brother Marinos” very burdensome obediences, which the nun fulfilled with the greatest of zeal, while attending to the raising of her foster-child. Three years later the saint peacefully expired to the Lord in her cell. The brethren arriving saw the deceased “monk” and the boy crying over “him”. When they began to dress the saint for burial, her secret was revealed. The hegumen of the monastery tearfully besought forgiveness of the departed, and the inn-keeper too followed his example. The body of Saint Maria was reverently buried in the monastery. The daughter of the inn-keeper came to the grave of the saint and openly confessed her sin, in connection with which she was healed from a demonic illness. The boy whom the saint was raising afterwards became a monk. The relics of the saint were transferred to Constantinople, and from there in 1113 were carried off to Venice.

© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.

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