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The Truth of Christ is clear

Tues­day. [Acts 4:1–10; John 3:16–21] He that believeth not in the Son of God is con­demn­ed al­ready (John 3:18). For what? For the fact that when light is all a­round, he re­mains in dark­ness, due to his love for it. Love of dark­ness and ha­tred of the light make him en­tire­ly to blame, even with­out his de­ter­min­ing where the truth lies; be­cause he who has sin­cere love for the truth will be led by this love from the dark­ness of de­cep­tion to the light of truth. One ex­am­ple is the ho­ly apos­tle Paul. He was a sin­cere lov­er of the truth, devoted with all his soul to what he con­sid­ered to be true, with­out any self-in­ter­est. There­fore, as soon as he was shown that the truth lay not in what he con­sid­ered to be true, that very mo­ment he cast aside the old — which proved to be un­true — and cleaved with all his heart to the new, which was tan­gi­bly proven to be the truth. The same oc­curs with ev­ery sin­cere lov­er of truth. The truth of Christ is clear as day: seek and ye shall find. Help from a­bove is al­ways read­y for one who sin­cere­ly seeks. There­fore, if some­one re­mains in the dark­ness of un­be­lief, it is on­ly due to his love for that dark­ness, and for this he is al­ready con­demn­ed.

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