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There is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed

Thurs­day. [Rom. 8:22-27; Matt. 10:23-31] There is noth­ing cov­er­ed, that shall not be re­veal­ed; and hid, that shall not be known. Con­se­quent­ly, re­gard­less of how we hide in our sins now, it is of no use to us at all. The time will come — and is it far off? — when all will come to light. What should we do? Do not hide. If you have sin­ned — go and re­veal your sin to your spir­i­tu­al fa­ther. When you re­ceive ab­so­lu­tion, the sin van­ish­es, as if it nev­er was. Noth­ing will have to be re­veal­ed and shown. If you hide the sin and do not re­pent, you keep it in your­self, so that there will be some­thing to come to light at the prop­er time un­to your ac­cu­sa­tion. God re­veal­ed all of this to us in ad­vance, so that while still here we will man­age to dis­arm His righ­teous and ter­ri­ble judg­ment up­on us sin­ners.

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