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Whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name

Sat­ur­day. [Acts 20:7–12; John 14:10–21] And what­so­ev­er ye shall ask of the Fa­ther in my name, that will I do (John 14:13). What a con­sol­ing prom­ise! But how few make use of it! Peo­ple rare­ly keep this in mind. There are peo­ple who do not un­der­stand this at all, and do not ac­cept it. Why is this so? Be­cause they do not love the Lord, and they do not ful­fil His com­mand­ments. This un­faith­ful­ness of the heart to­ward the Lord re­lin­quish­es any bold­ness to pe­ti­tion the Lord, just as a la­zy ser­vant does not dare ask some­thing of his mas­ters, for he knows that he does not de­serve any mer­cy. The es­tab­lish­ed pray­ers are read in their usu­al course, and they con­tain very great pe­ti­tions; but they are merely read, and this, as we well know, is far from prayer and pe­ti­tion­ing. We can­not stand with true prayer be­fore the Lord and ex­tend our pe­ti­tions to Him un­til our con­science is clear be­fore Him.

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